How did we get here? I have no clue honestly. How did I find this manga? Why did I finish it? Well I can tell you that the answer to the last question is because I'm most definitely a completionist. If I start something I feel more than inclined to finish it. Darn those Virgo tendencies am I right? Just kidding, I don't really believe in those.
{Spoilers, but it's 9 chapters and shoujo so you already kinda know what's going down}
So the premise of this story is that magic, witches, and demons exist in Japan. If you're a witch you can summon demons to grant wishes for you in exchange for delicious sweets. So this kinda strange girl named Mayuri bakes lots of delicious cakes and pastries in exchange for smaller demons giving her ingredients or cleaning up the kitchen for her. However, one day she accidentally summons a more powerful demon named Beaut. And he's a textbook tsundere. But also kind of an S.
Thus begins their odd relationship together with Beaut doing odd jobs for Mayuri and her falling in love with him. It's a pretty sweet and short read if you're not too particular about the details or not having things fleshed out like her father who's actually a demon...yeah that's a long story that definitely could've been explored a bit further. There's definitely a sense of mystery and if you're going through a demon fetish faze or something I think this might be a good read? Or if you like tsunderes with S tendencies. Then Beaut would be the perfect boy for you.
But I have to say that I wasn't overwhelmed with any particular feelings for this manga. It was a nice concept I guess and had some funny points, but I kept picking it up and forgetting about it even though it was only 9 chapters long.
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