Wednesday, August 7, 2019

a short reflection about the end of my second year in college

So, this is my last day of uni for the year. It's pretty surreal. It went by incredibly fast and it was packed full of emotions of sadness, nostalgia, happiness, gratefulness, overwhelming laughter, and it was just such a good year overall. I love being able to walk to my friends' houses from where I live and being able to hang out until 1 AM playing video games or just talking. Living in a college town is definitely different, especially since no one lives with their parents. And it's really liberating to be able to live like this sometimes. Of course I love living with my parents, but there's something really magical about the whole college experience. Not to say that there aren't ups and downs, and not to over-romanticize it, but it's just a really valuable experience that I'm glad I got to have. I'm so incredibly grateful for all the things that this year taught me. So many times this year I've felt sad or heartbroken or lonely, but all of those times were remedied by good laughter, great friends, and just the feeling of finally having made a place of my own in the community and groups that I'm a part of. Yeah, it was just a spectacular year full of sparkling youth.

I was going to tack on a manga review to this, but I think it should stand on its own. I'll come back with the manga review next week, but I don't think it'd be good to put them together.

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