Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Manga Match 61 Koi ni Naranai Wake ga Nai

Recently I've come to the realization that a lot of people are unhappy because they compare themselves to others and can't be happy for their accomplishments alone. And that's really sad. Because I was talking to my friends, and the reality of the situation was was they could say soooo many nice things about the people around them and point out all of their good attributes, but couldn't do the same for themselves. Somehow I feel like that's a problem that's really hard to fix, but if we could fix it there would be a lot happier people in this world. No idea how to do it though haha sorry.

{Spoilers, but it's shoujo so you know they end up together}

Hehe I'm gonna be honest and say that I was hoping this series would be like Daytime Shooting Star with some spicy romance with the older guy that really wrenches at your heartstrings. Uh, I'd say don't go into this with that mentality...because it definitely wasn't like that. Instead it was more like "what if we took someone's fantasy and made it an easy reality." And that's basically shoujo in a nutshell right? I'm not really sure how to put this, bu this one just seemed a lot more idealistic than something actually feasible. I dunno, maybe I'm just going through a phase where I reallyyyyy admire this professor...yeah no I won't go down that rabbit hole but if you know me you know I kinda have a problem >////<

So, anyways, this manga follows this high school girl and this random college guy she has an encounter with and falls in love from there. Oh yeah, and they're neighbors. Plus he's a practicing teacher(?) at her school. Pretty simple and straightforward right? Honestly it was a little too straightforward and not enough character development for me. It kind of seemed like she was one-sidedly obsessed with him and he just liked being fawned over and justified him pursuing her by saying "oh yeah, I guess she's cute." I think you could also read it another way and say that by him saying that he'll wait until after his time at her school as an assistant teacher is over before going out with her is pretty considerate and nice. You could also say that by both of them refraining from going public for their relationship was also considerate so that the guy could still have a chance at being a teacher, even though he ended up being a news reporter.

I really can't place why exactly the whole thing felt a little bit unnatural, but maybe that's just because it was really cheesy. Like really. And aiya when they became physically intimate to the point that they couldn't study together and she was like "what if I just don't follow my dream and become a housewife?" Thank frickin god she didn't. Heck, if she did you ALREADY KNOW my review would've been scathing. Haha I think reviews are supposed to be pretty neutral in terms of not involving your morals (unless it's like incest or bestiality or some wack stuff), but it's jut not possible here.

Anyways, I think if you're looking for a cute and lowkey forbidden teacherxstudent shoujo series, there are definitely better out there. If you want a role model, maybe not her. Like she's definitely got relatable human characteristics, but it just wasn't the best thing I ever read, you know? I don't think I've completed a manga recently that's really ticked all the boxes for me, but if I do you know I'll be really happy. It's been a while :')

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