Wednesday, May 1, 2019

an update

Hi, so I regret to inform anyone that still reads this blog anymore that I've run out of buffer. This means there won't be weekly updates anymore. This is mostly due to the fact that I've been volunteering lots and filling in as the leadership role for like 5 group projects. As you can imagine, it's got me stretched a bit thin in terms of trying to take care of myself, trying to be patient with those around me, trying to get all of my projects and commitments done at a caliber that I'm satisfied with, and just trying to live a well-balanced life. And, to be honest, I don't find myself as absolutely infatuated with anime and continuously watching more every time I finish one. Maybe this is due to the fact that I've grown out of that phase, or maybe because binging is just a really bad habit of mine. But, in any case, I feel like it's hard  to continually devote yourself to something like this for a long period of time when you're not as deeply emotionally invested. After all, I started this blog because I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about how I felt about an anime or manga. Manga it's still kind of a struggle, but more often than not in terms of anime I'm slowly trailing behind V so I can just talk to him about it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to update my blog whenever I read something to completion or if I finish an anime or maybe I'll start a segment featuring some manga that I'm currently reading that're really good. I never really started that one because I felt like it's unfair to judge something without having the complete product, you know? But I'll think about it. Because I get kind of nostalgic thinking about the 2 years I had a post up once a week. It was a beautiful thing, to put work in and not really expect anyone to read it, but just to have it there for myself.

Yeah, I was going to include a manga match into this post, but I feel like it's kind of a stand-alone piece more than anything else. So, I'll include the manga match into the next post! Make sure to take care of yourselves!

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