Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Manga Match 48 Love Deficiency

Fun fact, I actually started reading this on Tapas, but Tapas gets kind of annoying to keep earning those coins, so I stopped and here I am again, having finished it, to give my mediocre review. Woo hoo!


Honestly, I say I read it before, but I remember very little from it in actuality. So the premise behind this story is that there's this love deficiency disease. If you stay single for too long, you start turning invisible until you just disappear.

So basically, this guy and this girl are in the same boat. They've both recently become single and so under various circumstances end up dating and finding out what true love is. Ah, when I put it like that it doesn't seem very interesting. Neither is it when I add in manipulative exes. Ah. Sorry folks, that is all.

There is a kind of twist when it comes to why exactly the two of them find it hard to fall in love, having to do with childhood trauma. I'll leave that to you to read for yourself, which makes the story a bit more unique without the weird twist of them both having this disease.

Mostly I bring this manga up because...right now it's cuffing season. And if you've been anywhere near Subtle Asian Dating, you know what's up. That and all of my friends are seriously looking for boyfriends/girlfriends. Not gonna lie, sometimes that loneliness just creeps up on you, but oof really hits in the feels when you see imaginary webtoon characters with a fuego love life you know what I mean?

Sorry for the kinda lackluster review, I think I'm crashing from the espresso I had earlier today so I wouldn't die during my final. :)))))))


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