Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Anime ATM 54 Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku: Kinetograph

What the heck did Youtube recommend to me? Admittedly I watched this anime because it was conveniently on Youtube, but also because I was interested in watching an anime with episodes longer than the traditional 24 or so minutes. I should've done my research beforehand from which I would've realized that this is actually an OVA based on a manga. Whoops.

Sorry if this sounds super scatter-brained but I legitimately just finished an 8 hour shift at work and needed to rant.

{I would say there's spoilers, but wtf is the plot?}

This was a complete and utter mess. From the first ten minutes I thought this would be a political drama with all the women being catty with one another or not being allowed outside of their houses and with all the rich people having their fancy af hanabi. And then from there I thought it was going to be a semi-decent historical reverse harem anime with Haru falling and all the guys getting annoyed with her and having their 'lightbulb moment' where they realize they really like Haru. But she just keeps falling and apologizing for the entire show so I can't even say that it was a true romance anime, it was its own genre starring a ditzy girl and loose ends. There was no plot point followed through except a rushed romance and even the romance seemed more in the line of getting more fans rooting for their respective ships rather than an intentional and well-thought out plan of how each of them would fall in love with her. What happened to who would inherit the family business once the Miyanomori head stepped down? His instructions of "You have ten months to make me happy" were so incredibly vague it made me want to stop watching right then and there if Haru hadn't annoyed me enough. And what was with Tae and Chitori hating her at first and magically starting to support her? Why was the premier shot? What happened to the guy that shot him? He revealed himself to be the seventh son, but so what? Why don't the two eldest sons want to get married and why was it only revealed super late on that Isami was similar to Tadashi in not wanting to get married? (Also Tadashi's glasses just bother me. The round ones are just ugly and the rectangular ones are marginally better but I prefer him to have a consistent pair of eye wear. There's already enough guys to differentiate without him being like this.)Maybe all of this was to make people read the manga to tie up the loose ends, but if this was a standalone piece it would have failed terrifically. If the plot, if you can even call it a plot, weren't enough of a let down full of holes and question marks then surely Haru would've annoyed you enough to the point that you question watching this in the first place. It was so incredibly bad. She drops absolutely everything and says that she'll try her best but she just keeps asking questions when everyone told her to stop and do her job. And they try to play it off as "oh she's just a country girl, she doesn't know any better" when it'd be common sense to be careful with those fragile glasses and keep to yourself so you don't get fired. Is it too much to ask for some common sense? I guess I give her a little nod of approval for staying a maid instead of getting married. No need to be tied down before you're ready and be forced to live someone else's lifestyle if you have a choice otherwise. Also why are all of the boys at least a little tsundere? Like when they're planning to visit Haru during the holidays why are they like "We're definitely going for the hot springs" when everyone's worried. And they're all like "Don't touch me" but a couple days later they're dancing at a ball together in public?! There's so many questions that could be answered with a fabricated answer, but it all seemed just too forced and rushed. I suppose it was because they were trying to fit a whole manga's plot into essentially 100 minutes, but it still seemed raw and unfinished. It was a bit like a slice of life anime where they have a very subtle plot but the genres were historical, josei, and drama not slice of life so it wasn't very successful.

All in all I wouldn't recommend this. If you're looking for a trashy reverse harem I'd say Diabolik Lovers...wait no I think this is better than that. That one the girl was really just a blood sack. But like UtaPri is pretty good, a better reverse harem and actually good songs. This really wasn't that great, but if you'd like to see just how weird it was for yourself it's on Youtube, all two episodes.

Even here you need a vacation arc

One thing that I actually enjoyed about this anime was the depiction of a different period of Japan, the Taisho period, in which you can see the modernization of the world as well as the clash of western and Japanese fashion (aka with the French maid uniform vs Haru's traditional clothing) I don't watch much historical drama or know much about the Japanese timeline of modernization so this might not be accurate, but I found it fascinating nonetheless.

The biggest tsun out of all the brothers smh

If you're in it for the doki-doki eye candy I guess this is pretty good (save for Tadashi because those glasses?!)

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