Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Manga Review 14 Kawaiitte Itteyo

Well it's been a while. I usually pre-schedule my posts so you can't see it from my side, but I've been taking a break due to testing. But if you follow this blog consistently you wouldn't know unless you've been told (Do you feel like an exclusive insider now? Cool right?) Anyways, onto the actual review.

Like with most manga, it's easy to find ones that are a dime-a-dozen without a different sort of approach to plot or character development. To me these are the most important thing because what's a story without plot. It's like a sandwich with no filling, good bread but not a good sandwich. So what I have to say about this manga is it's good for the short term fuzzy feelings inside, but it's not great if you're looking for a more in depth sort of bildungsroman or something along those lines. This probably has to do with the fact that this is a shorter manga. It only has four chapters which makes it a quick read, especially since each chapter is a different pairing and a different season (or at least I think that's what the author was going for). Because of the brevity of each set of characters' appearance it was hard to make more than a shallow connection with the character before the plot was advanced and sped up. I guess this is the problem with shorter manga; you just can't get the same content with a limited amount of space. In addition, it's kind of funny how old fashioned it is. Like the style is very simplistic and while that could be a reason to like it, ya know so you can focus more on the plot, it did sort of bother me that the characters floated in space at some points. But maybe that's just me being picky.

Overall I'd say that you could go ahead and read the manga if you're bored and just want a quick pick-me-up, but don't expect much from this. Like it's cute, but nothing special.

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