Friday, October 7, 2016

Anime Ventilation 24 Cheer Danshi!!

You know what sports anime was super good this summer 2016? This one of course!


There may be some of you out there that might be thinking to yourselves 'pffft cheer-leading isn't a sport' and to you I say 'oh ho ho, au contraire my friend.' I genuinely believe cheer-leading is a sport. It's so dynamic and athletic.

This anime is quite the ride. It's got the basic plot of any sports anime with a not so great team training hard and finding a coach and then succeeding as a team. However, what makes this so different is each of the individual characters. It shows the beauty and uniqueness of cheer-leading as a sport because through the members it displays the camaraderie they have for each other and how they support each other physically and figuratively. All of them rally together to overcome their differences and discover things about themselves that they never would've learned or come to terms with without the team. They showed that competition doesn't have to be a vicious thing; it could just be about having fun and lifting each other up in a positive way. This message in and of itself is beautiful and makes the series invaluable.

Each of the characters, even the most minor ones, are given a chance to shine as they all explain their journeys through cheer-leading with one another and how the sport has impacted their lives. Seeing each one of them grow, like Kazu and Haruki when they came to realize that it was a good thing that they had a friendly competition going on between them, really enhanced the overall value of the series. Also Takeru and Hisashi when they come to terms with one another is really realistic of how people can originally not see eye to eye, but eventually learn to respect and attempt to understand the other's point of view. It was especially nice that it ended up where Ton was the one with the girlfriend which is kind of ironic in anime since it's usually the most good looking guy that gets the girl or has the love interest in the series. This made it the slightest bit more original, which made it even more of a standout as such a dynamic and diverse anime.

Overall I would recommend this if you're looking for a sports anime with a lighter mood to it. This one has a bit of drama, but it's more inspiring and would be good to watch with anyone of any age. I believe that with an open mind, anyone could watch this anime.

This is super cool

Mizoguchi is such an inspiration. He learns that his words are just as valuable as the words of people he quotes. Learning the value of one's own voice is something I think is very underestimated and undervalued.

I just think they're super cute, hardworking, and talented individuals.


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