So to start off with I was initially really offput by the art. In all honesty the people don't look the most attractive. However if I think about it in an optimistic way then I can say that the character design makes it so you're less dazzled by the beauty of the art and more dazzled by the storyline and the depth of the characters.
Prior to watching this series I had a general respect for jazz as a classy, calming musical genre. After watching it I can say I have more appreciation for it as rhythmic audible art. I think I gushed to my dad for over 20 minutes about this (because since he listens to jazz I thought he would be interested (heh he wasn't very interested)).
All of the characters are super likable. And seeing them all together as friends is just super cute. Although that love triangle!!! Love triangles in general make me very aggravated (it's like my special talent to always root for the one that ends up as the third wheel). This particular difficult relationship was no different. It was great how aggravated I felt. Anime that make you feel attached to the characters enough to yell at your screen are excellent sources of entertainment. Although to be honest, Kaoru's crush was pretty cute. (。♥‿♥。)
I have to say that the ending was super amazing. Seeing Sentarou again and realizing that no he wasn't dead (I sorta thought he committed suicide) and seeing him as a kindly monk was so cute. And his and Kaoru's jam session? Forget about it. I shed tears of happiness. And then Ritsuko appeared and I was like 'yes my life is complete I can die happy now, fully satisfied with the closure'. If you're looking for a slice of life anime with music and friendship that leaves you feeling really pleased with the ending then this is the anime for you.
Although not a lot of people will see this probably, I still wanted to boost this series if even a little bit since I, obviously, think it's the cat's pajamas. (=ↀωↀ=)✧
Sources: http://pm1.narvii.com/6199/322b6737f22ef889b97a7d1afb85b3570f4a7834_hq.jpg, https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/70/ec/3c/70ec3ccb24e11e6af58c14f4b3c434e9.jpg, http://baratijasblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Sakamichi-no-Apollon-12-Large-42.jpg
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