Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Butter Cookies for Lazy People

Tomorrow is the first day of school and I'm going through serious summer withdrawals. Kind of regret not doing more than binging anime, eating, and playing Pokemon Go. Back to stress and sadness :). Hah by the end of this year I bet I'll be sad that I'm leaving because 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' but for now I'm already done with school.

I got the original recipe from allrecipes.com (http://allrecipes.com/recipe/10011/butter-cookies-ii) which I have made in the past, but while making it I realized that I could make this a one bowl recipe that needs minimal measuring tools. So I hope you like my little variation to make your life easier, especially if you're like me and absolutely hate washing dishes.

My life hack which made the original recipe into a much easier one was to change the flour to 1/2 cup which means that for all the 1 cup measurements, just use the 1/2 cup. That way at the end you only have to wash the 1/2 cup and not both 1 cup and 1/3 cup. Another change I made was to add the salt in when I added the vanilla extract. The original recipe said to mix the salt and flour in a separate bowl before adding to the wet ingredients, but I didn't think that mixing a heaping pinch of salt with such a huge amount of flour would make a huge difference from just mixing the salt in first and then the flour. There was no problem in doing so. The world did not end.


1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
3 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
2 1/2 cup all purpose flour


1. Beat together butter and sugar until fluffy.
2. Add in egg and mix.

3. Add in vanilla extract and salt. Mix again.
4. Add in the flour 1 cup at a time. Add one cup then mix. Add the second cup then mix. Then add in the 1/2 cup at the end and mix again.
5. Scrape the sides of the bowl and chill in the fridge for ~45 minutes.

6. Roll out the dough about 1/4 inch thick and cut into shapes. Add sprinkles if desired.
7. Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 9 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. Then enjoy!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Anime Review 18 Chihayafuru 2

I know what you're thinking to yourself right now as you're reading this post title: 'Didn't she just finish watching the first season of Chihayafuru?' And yes, yes I did just recently finish the first season. However my reasoning for having finished the second season is quite sound (at least it is in my own mind). School is starting on Wednesday and I'm also starting a part time job. Both of these things combined mean death, stress, and lack of time for recreational activities. That's why my entire summer has been a hurrah of anime extravaganza.


So as of 5 minutes ago I have finished the second season of Chihayafuru. To my complete and utter disappointment, there has been no third season made. If sometime in the future someone is reading this post and I haven't already reviewed the third season, please remind me to get my priorities straight and watch it right away.

I have to say straight off the bat that this wasn't very different from the first season. It was very much more of the same sort of character growth that is very prominent throughout the entire series. It shows the further development of the now second year Porky, Desktomu, Taichi, Kana, and Chihaya as well as the initiation into the cult (heh) for Tsukuba and Hanane. Honestly I didn't really like Hanane because she was really just into the club for love, but once I got past that she's a pretty cool girl I guess. Beyond the character development as well as all of their skill increasing as they took their experiences as well as what they observed about their opponents into consideration and changed their playing accordingly, the matches were all the same with the fall tournament and then the high school tournament at Omi Jingu. So the same characters and the same tournaments made it seem rather dull, but only on the surface I promise. If this were to be described in fanfiction terms this would be a 'slow burn' kind of series. You don't get everything all at once, but there is a certain tension that keeps you watching to see what exactly happens next. I think anime like this are extremely good to watch when you want something entertaining with the right amount of tension and fluff.

There were so many cute moments that I could only enjoy after watching the first season. Just seeing all of the characters grow made my heart grow all the more fond of them. I had to stop multiple times while watching just to capture all of them. Honestly not even going to add pictures from other sources because I took so many screenshots. I would say I'm sorry, but I enjoy putting together multimedia blog posts for people to enjoy.

Isn't Chihaya so adorable?


This intensity. These sky high expectations. I just thought this was really humorous because all the administration was watching him with crazy intensity.

Heh no pressure Yamashiro. Collectivism though.


Awh isn't this the sweetest?


And I would like to close by discussing two things. First of all Chihaya's injury was so scary. I thought she would never be able to play karuta at all or she'd have to become a lefty, which all things considered wouldn't be too bad since she went so far in the tournament using her left hand. Super glad she got it taken care of though. Also super anxious for the next season because Taichi and Chihaya at training camp together? Many things could happen even if Chihaya has (maybe) already figured out her feelings for Arata. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Anime Review 17 Kids on the Slope

Okay so if I'm being honest here I watched this anime like 6 months ago and a lot of the fine details have probably slipped my mind, but I thought that I should do a blog post about it just because I think it deserves a lot more fame and attention (even if it did come out in 2012 because I'm watching all the older anime unintentionally).


So to start off with I was initially really offput by the art. In all honesty the people don't look the most attractive. However if I think about it in an optimistic way then I can say that the character design makes it so you're less dazzled by the beauty of the art and more dazzled by the storyline and the depth of the characters.

Prior to watching this series I had a general respect for jazz as a classy, calming musical genre. After watching it I can say I have more appreciation for it as rhythmic audible art. I think I gushed to my dad for over 20 minutes about this (because since he listens to jazz I thought he would be interested (heh he wasn't very interested)).

All of the characters are super likable. And seeing them all together as friends is just super cute. Although that love triangle!!! Love triangles in general make me very aggravated (it's like my special talent to always root for the one that ends up as the third wheel). This particular difficult relationship was no different. It was great how aggravated I felt. Anime that make you feel attached to the characters enough to yell at your screen are excellent sources of entertainment. Although to be honest, Kaoru's crush was pretty cute. (。♥‿♥。)

I have to say that the ending was super amazing. Seeing Sentarou again and realizing that no he wasn't dead (I sorta thought he committed suicide) and seeing him as a kindly monk was so cute. And his and Kaoru's jam session? Forget about it. I shed tears of happiness. And then Ritsuko appeared and I was like 'yes my life is complete I can die happy now, fully satisfied with the closure'. If you're looking for a slice of life anime with music and friendship that leaves you feeling really pleased with the ending then this is the anime for you.

Although not a lot of people will see this probably, I still wanted to boost this series if even a little bit since I, obviously, think it's the cat's pajamas. (=ↀωↀ=)✧

Sources: http://pm1.narvii.com/6199/322b6737f22ef889b97a7d1afb85b3570f4a7834_hq.jpg, https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/70/ec/3c/70ec3ccb24e11e6af58c14f4b3c434e9.jpg, http://baratijasblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Sakamichi-no-Apollon-12-Large-42.jpg

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Anime Review 16 Chihayafuru

Okay so I might be 4 years late to the bandwagon, but I swear even though this is a 4 year old anime IT'S GOLDEN. It's pretty much everything I've ever wanted and more. I truly don't know if my words can even begin to convey the mix of emotions I'm feeling as I write this. Seldom does anime move me as this series has done. It's absolutely breath-taking. I savored every episode and actually controlled myself so I didn't binge it in one day and then feel sad later for doing so. It's was so incredibly enrapturing that I almost spammed every single person I knew with screenshots of awesome scenes and 2 AM emotional rants. Not a lot of anime get me this excited.


Many times I saw this anime on people's lists of recommendations. You know the ones; they're the ones with all the anime that everyone knows like Skip Beat and Clannad. I never really gave more than a passing thought to watching Chihayafuru until I saw a GIF of it on, surprise, Tumblr. After that I was really intrigued so I thought I'd give the anime a go. I mean I do have time to explore during summer vacation after all. This is one of those moments where you made a great life decision, but don't even know it until after the fact.

The story opens on Chihaya putting up posters to recruit people to her karuta club (if you don't know what this is then google it or watch the series (probably better to just watch the series)). Wearing track pants and a skirt, she definitely is a beauty in vain. However that's only on the surface. She's actually a super passionate karuta player always striving to be better in order to become a Queen. How she got introduced to karuta is actually a super endearing backstory about Chihaya, Arata, and Taichi. Arata introduced her to the excitement and challenge of karuta which gave Chihaya her own dream. Taichi was introduced as an immature little boy who bullies the girl he likes, which at the time wasn't cute but his intentions were just so pure that I couldn't help but love him a little bit. Their childhood friendship is really endearing. Just their comradery reminded me of sports anime and how they always say 'let's always play together' and the like. It just makes my heart so warm thinking about how they were so close-knit.

When Arata left I was kind of close to crying, but I didn't because I'm a strong (not really) person that won't be swayed by such things. Once he left I was interested to see how the storyline would pan out. I wasn't too sure if I should expect to see all of them or if the plot would focus on one person only. I think the way they only focused on one location with Chihaya as the main focus made it a lot easier to follow what was going on as well as give a sufficient emotional connection to all three characters as well as to Nishida, Kana, and Tsutomu.

Seeing Nishida come back to karuta, as well as seeing Kana and Tsutomu's introduction and growth to loving karuta made me really happy. Because it made the plot more diverse when they showed everyone's interpretation of what was going on and everyone's growth as players.

Since this series is very similar to the setup of a sports anime where they have training, practice, games, and you see the characters' progression, it has the same passion that is conveyed to the viewers. During all the matches I was tense along with the players because the creators of this series made the scenes so tense that you could almost physically feel the tension as a layer of atmosphere surrounding the matches. Another thing I enjoyed beyond the tension and plausiblity of the games was the fact that everyone had their flaws and were actively striving to become better players. Actually seeing everyone's struggles made the series that much more engaging to watch. For example, seeing Taichi's evolution from a coward into someone trying his best not to run away anymore was super inspiring. Anyone watching that scene would see just how passionate he was and how committed he was to really changing himself for the better. If you look at  any of the characters you'll see a similar pattern of growth stemming from a need to improve.

Beyond that deep and intense stuff, this series has really high entertainment value. If you're the type to be an OP ED snob, this series is quite nice. Not the best, but I feel that the music gives off a very nostalgic feeling and the animation going along with it, although not entirely in sync with the plot/relevant, are very nice. They have some really entertaining scenes like when Sudo called Dr. Harada an intelligent bear after losing to him in the Masters preliminaries.

What also added to the depth and complexity of the series was that it had side stories of different players like Kanai who had their own personal stories of their motivation to play karuta and enveryone's individual perceptions of karuta. My personal favorite secondary character was Ririka. When she lost her match to Chihaya, she was really sad, but she still wished Chihaya luck and when she drew a four leaf clover for luck on her hand my heart melted. She's so precious.

Truly, I love all the characters. They all have their funny little quirks and their personalities and it just makes me really happy that they're all so different and yet all so likeable. Like Kana with her traditional clothes on makes her look so regal. And the way she looks at the poems differently than any of the other players is fascinating. Desktomu (his nickname is cute) is also super cute, not in a traditional sense, but he's really really hardworking and I'm glad that he found a fun activity that he can do with other people and that he has friends from the karuta club instead of before where his only 'friends' were people that wanted to use him. Also can we just talk for like 3 days just about Taichi? Ugh. When he lost to Nishida and didn't make it to Class A I was shocked. Even though it was luck of the draw he still kept trying to attack and make his chances of winning better even by the slightest bit. And then when Dr. Harada offered him a promotion to Class A that he didn't take? I almost rage quit. I was so shocked, but that made my admiration for him as a good person grow.

Also I'd like to say that episode 20 made me cry like a baby. When Arata didn't want to give his number directly to Chihaya because he wasn't sure if in that time they weren't in contact if Taichi and Chihaya had started dating I actually started tearing up. And then Arata and Chihaya met again (because that time they met in Fukui doesn't really count) for the first time in years and Chihaya was so overjoyed. *sigh* My heart broke a little bit for Taichi because I think he never made a move because he knew that Chihaya liked Arata more and it wasn't right for him to make a move when Arata wasn't around. Something like that. And then when Taichi turned down Class A with his super admirable reason (I know I've mentioned this so many times and I will continue to do so until I want to stop). And then when the episode ended with Arata's coach saying how nervous Arata was to meet his friends again for the first time. I cried. I cried really hard. I stood up at 1 AM and got myself tissues to wipe my rolling tears. When something makes you cry, you know it was a really really good thing.

If I could, I would rant for a really long time. However, I think if I did so this would become an unruly review and would start to lose coherency because I would give up on all the grammatical rules and just say whatever came to mind. But I highly highly recommend this anime because of its high entertainment value, the diversity of its characters, the growth each of the characters have, as well as the inspiration anyone could draw from watching the characters grow and become better people. I love this.

Cool Cool Cool So Cool


Sources: http://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Chi4.gif, http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m06fjivMWM1qbvpv0.gif, https://66.media.tumblr.com/bfa78ca3e7e42cdd0f531dbae4338c71/tumblr_o1f2l3raC11rmxzmko1_500.gif, https://m.popkey.co/4c69c3/R49Qk.gif

P.S. I started adding the sources for the GIFs because maybe one day more than one person will look at this and find their GIF here and try to sue me so I'm starting now as a preventative measure.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Anime Review 15 Magi: Adventures of Sinbad

Ive been bedridden because of wisdom teeth extraction. Half my wisdom is gone. So for recuperation purposes I've been watching anime...only slightly more than pre-extraction.

To be completely honest I only watched this series because it was on Netflix. Yay convenience. My cheeks are swollen and I look like an infant (editing this three days later and I still look like a chipmunk). 

This has the same crude humor that's almost a trademark of the Magi series. Why I continue to watch this series is beyond me. I mostly watch to enjoy full body, freaking epic!!!!, djinn equip. Also I wanted some of Sinbad's origin story. But it was pretty much a quarter of the time being impressed and inspired by his aspirations and accomplishments as a self-made man and three quarters thinking he's a terrible person and super cocky and just overall if I met him I would dislike him. I think his motivation and reasoning for wanting to change the world are pretty solid, it's just that the way he goes around so overly confident is annoying.

Basically I liked all the characters except for Sinbad. Like I get the hype, he's cool, has a tragic backstory, and he's hot. Beyond that though? Eh.

Can my ramble end here? Why sure it could because that's all I have to say about this anime. It's not really worth watching unless you want something to numb your mind for a while. *shrug*

Sometimes I guess he's a cool guy

This one, however, is very precious

┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Anime Review 14 Magi: The Kingdom of Magic

One thing before I get into my review (more like ramble/rage) is that you should probably watch Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic and the Magi: The Kingdom of Magic consecutively. Because I took a break for a while from it and came back and thought to myself "oh my god what's happening? I don't know these people or their stories" and while it did eventually come back, I would recommend watching it all at once. Also I'm reediting this review the next day because posting things I write at 3 AM isn't the best because the amount of 'tbh' and 'smh' and 'gdi's I use are just overwhelming. Enjoy my still rambling, stupidly passionate rant.

{Not Spoiler Free}

So I originally watched the first season because one it was on Netflix and two my friend recommended it to me. I have a love-hate relationship with action/ adventure type anime. Sometimes they can be a bit repetitive ie same fight patters and whatnot. However what really got me was the fact that there was so much drama going on. I got surprisingly furious and passionate about this. For example: Hakuryu is the most jerk faced person ever. Why would you side with Judar? I understand. Screwed up childhood. But he was such a pure baby at the beginning. I rooted for him and Morgiana. And how do you repay this? By siding with the dark rukh. What's with choosing the dark side huh? Ugh

And besides him, everyone else gets me worked up too, in good and bad ways. Like look at Morgiana. She ended up finding more Fanalis anyways from Leam! Good for her. Plus her new manipulation of her chains to form fiery wings is totally awesome. And how Alibaba was able to make peace with Cassim and do his super epic djinn equip. Can i just say i have so much awe for everyone's totally op djinn equips? Where do i get mine? 

And the politics of everything is so unbelievable. Like why can't everyone get along? And not even between the kingdoms but within them as well.

I kinda liked the fact that each of the three original characters went off on their own quests even though I was sad at the same time that they did. They're so great altogether but it was a good time for personal growth and stuff. 

Those fight scenes at the end though! Actually at a lot of points I got worked up. Like when Alibaba was fighting the huge ape in the arena and everyone was just ready to watch him die. I was about to toss my phone I was so upset. What are hearts? What is sympathy? Leam gladiators sure don't have that. And when Aladdin after all that training with Myers was able to become strong enough to do magic even without his magi abilities. Although if I were Morgiana and I found that house in the dark with Yunan in it I probably would've run as fast as I could away from it. 

Also can we talk about Yam and her adoptive father? Like even though the relationship was kinda flawed you gotta admit it was pretty heartwarming.

Omfg the most agonizing part. Titus. Hes such a cute little blob when he meets Ugo. But his whole mentality of agonizing over being a human pained me. I was praying for him to find a way to live longer so he could be with his friends because he deserved it and he deserves all the happiness in the world. He technically saved it since he helped Mogamett. And when he was reincarnated I felt so happy. Even though it ended as a cliffhanger I'm still happy because at least, for now, some people are happy even though there's still stupid conflicts. Like honestly theres magic in this world and you can do super cool things with it. Why do you need to fight? Why do you need more land? So stupid.

Why did Hakuryu have to screw things up? Seriously. I'm still fuming mad.

Beyond relatable

Aren't they just too precious?