Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Anime ATM 65 Mob Psycho 100

My one regret is that I didn't start this sooner. I thought One Punch Man was the only thing I needed to watch in that animation style. I didn't want anymore. It's not pretty or cute, so I just put it off. But, it really is beautiful. Don't knock it till you try it.

Also I'm sick. I woke up for my 8 am class feeling like crap and then knocked out right after and had the most psychedelic and random dream. It was really wild. And I still feel like crap now, but more like a feverish little sickly turd that just wants to go home and drink soup. I love college. This is a good show to watch when you're sick because you're so invested in what's happening to them you forget about the pain you're feeling.

{Spoilers, probably}

 So Shigeo looks like Saitama. With hair. The end. Just kidding!

Shigeo is one of the most powerful psychics, but because of his immense gift and his lack of training he finds himself shutting it away until something dramatic triggers his awakening. Then he decimates everything in sight. What's fascinating about Shigeo is how humble he is. He's incredibly kind and has a strong set of morals partially due to Reigen's BS (or is it BS?).  This is contrasted by the corrupt nature of other psychics like Teru, until they get beat up by Shigeo because he's the best and just makes you further appreciate how Shigeo tries to conceal his powers and live a normal life like his brother. Speaking of his brother, poor Ritsu. I think a lot of people have inferiority complexes when it comes to their siblings which makes him relatable especially if you have siblings because you know the exact feels he experiences. That's why when he becomes mad with power it's almost understandable because of the position he was put in. I guess this turned into a paragraph about characters so let's just end it talking about the troll that is Reigen. He's the ultimate con artist, but somehow is a great, albeit accidental, mentor to Shigeo and truly is the protagonist of his life. He's arguably the most clever and grown up one of everyone in this show and acts as a crooked moral compass. He's not the best person ever, but somehow you can't help just acknowledging that he's a pretty good guy.

I think the whole concept behind Mob Psycho 100 is amazing. Everyone can relate to when you reach that breaking point of anger or sadness and just explode to vent that anger. If you can't relate you're just lying to yourself. And the way that Mob deals with those emotions is very real. There's no romanticist intention behind Mob's character; he's raw, he's flawed, he's got a chip on his shoulder, but still carries on to the best of his abilities to improve himself. Heck he thinks he's flawed because he's only got his psychic powers so he goes and joins the buffest club at school and studies hard so he can be smart and popular. You could say it's just naivety that makes him this way, that if he never met Reigen and just abused his power he could be "successful" to a certain extent, but he might just be innately good.

Let's give a moment of silence to appreciate the aesthetic of this show. It's got the One Punch Man vibes because it's written by the same guy, but it's got its own sort of thing going. I'd say it's kind of like neon lights in the dark. Like if you look at the evil demons like Dimple they've got this dark aura, but are themselves really brightly colored. Some good vibes there.

Overall if you think you don't need to watch this you thought wrong. It's a great show with great morals, great characters, great concept, and great aesthetic. It's an incredibly fun watch and I hope to God there's a season 2 because it's great. Shout out to my friend for recommending it to me all those times that it stuck in my head after 2 years to watch it. It was a good life decision.

Sorry if this review was wonky, my brain is addled from sickness.

Reinen is so casual and look at everyone else omg

Why was the idea of Seasoning City so funny to me? It's just so random

Ok so Seasoning City with like Miso, Black Vinegar and Bean Paste Middle Schools I guess are passable, but how do you explain these schoolgirl vegetables??

Best crossdressers

He's so pure

Arguably the best character

They're all just a bunch of overgrown kids which is funny, but sad because I can see that being me one day

If you take away anything from this show it should be this

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Anime ATM 64 Tsure x dure Children

The manga's still going on, but I couldn't help but watch the anime once it was finished for the season. I just feel so completely wholesome and fulfilled after watching it. I know that probably sounds ridiculous, but there's just something so cute about the whole thing.

{There can't be spoilers if everything ends happily ever after with no plot twists and all your ships set sail right?}

Every episode is comprised of smaller episodes that follow the manga's format where every short chapter features one pair and whatever they're getting up to. It's not really organized in any other way besides that. I think that lends itself to being more engaging as you get a taste of the different dynamics between the different couples, but also makes it harder to form connections of fondness for them beyond a shallow level. But of course there's nothing wrong with that. Especially when all the couples are so cute. There's honestly no couple that I dislike. All of them have their problems and they're never portrayed like the perfect couple. They have problems with communication, with pressure about pacing, and overall just the discomfort that comes with having no experience. It's this portrayal of innocence that makes it so cute to watch, just witnessing their first springs and the different ways their romance unfolds. I don't want to get into the specifics of each couple because that completely ruins the point of you watching it since I don't give any explicit spoilers so I just think you should watch it and bathe yourself in the purity that is this show.

I can't say that it was the best quality anime in terms of like art or music budget. There was no ED, and the OP was alright, but this is understandable considering every episode is around 12 minutes anyways. The timing of the episodes is dangerous because it's so easy to just binge it all. Not like I did that...of course not. I'm a respectable, responsible college student. Ahaha okay don't follow my example, but it is an extremely easy watch. I was really in it just for the cute relationships. I had this stupid smile plastered on my face for most of those two or so hours. It was a good use of time I assure you.

Overall I definitely recommend you watch it. There's no stress. It's a happy time. It's so pure and there's so much awkwardness that just makes life seem like it's not that bad and you can keep going with your life. And there's guaranteed to be a character like you in there. It's got some good representation of different people in different types of relationships like the secretly jealous ones, the ones that go through a lot of misunderstands, ones with a bad sense of timing. And it's in perfect sync with how relationships nowadays are especially with smartphones and texting. Ya know, the hip and cool stuff. It's just really really really charming. 

OMG look at his face so pure ugh

asdfghjkl; how could he just not know??

T^T friendship is so close yet so far from what she wanted

How does badger badger mushroom even relate??

Why did I relate so much to this sequence?

Relationship goals. TBH if I were to be in a relationship I'd want to have a dynamic like this.

His friend is such a savage, but at the same time the actual best wingman besides Yo-chan


This is gonna be me I swear

Me @ all my friends

Me when my friends tell me about awk occurrences (especially since we all started college at different places :') ok that actually made me really sad Imma shut up now)

Why are you still here? Go watch it!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Anime ATM 63 Konbini Kareshi

Let this be a lesson to you all that newer doesn't mean better. If you told me that this anime came out in the early 2000's, to be quite frank I would believe you. It just wasn't a pleasant experience. If you told me that this was your all-time favorite anime then I would immediately recommend you watch more. This isn't to bash on your preferences, I'm just trying to expand your horizons.

This was part of my beginning of college binge. Nothing much has been going on, I think I took all easy classes this quarter which was a mistake I didn't realize until like right now, so I've just been chilling and watching a lot of anime. I think I'm going to join the anime club on campus so you might get some reviews in the future that don't have screenshots or not as many because in club we watch anime too so...yeah. Besides that I'm kind of lost on the whole college scene~ (<--that was such fake cheerfulness, I apologize in advance)

{Spoilers, but like not really???}

When I read a little online blurb about this it seemed really lighthearted anbd pure, a great recovery anime from the disturbance I recieved from Kuzu no Honkai. Unfortunately to me it read more as a bland series rather than something fresh and fun. I was under the impression that it might be a set of different stories, but instead it revolved around two main couples. The other couples interacted on an extremely shallow level and left a lot up to your own inference that they ended up together and lived happily ever after. Honestly the characters themselves were so shallow and inconsistent that I had to google their names. It's also because three of their last names started with M: Mishima, Mihashi, and Mashiki. So the main pairings were Mishima x Mashiki and Mihashi x Honda. And that would've been alright if their characters were consistent and somewhat novel. But they weren't. Mishimi was your run of the mill shy protagonist that seems very caring and concerned, but somewhere along the way he just got a lot more stoic. There were a lot of scenes with just staring interspersed with a lot of blushing smiles. And he was fixated on the Merprince book. Mashiki was your run of the mill female protagonist who's a bit ditzy, super kind and cheerful, and she's secretly sick. *cough* Nagisa from Clannad *cough* Just kidding that's obviously not the only one where this scenario occurs, but it just seemed very convenient and it didn't go into a lot of depth because usually if you had a sibling who died you'd have a lot of trauma surrounding the incident, but Mashiki seemed pretty fine until her armor broke down, if you're trying to validate them. Again with the characters that are pretty cookie cutter and standard is Mihashi. She's your typical soft tsundere and this one kind of makes sense because she literally is drawing all her romantic experience from the shoujo manga she reads. So one point for these people. And then Honda is that sporty, flirty guy that seems to have a lot of fun, but has a dark and edgy past aka he doesn't recognize his mom's remarriage and runs away from it. There's not a whole lot of depth. 

Honestly if you asked me what I was watching it was a whole lot of fluff, a thrown together plot, and not a whole lot of substance to watch. It was kind of painful to be honest. It wasn't what I was expecting and there wasn't any super big shockers except for Mashiki's twin's death and how that was Mishima's shallow first love as a kindergartner. Whoopee. Maybe I'm being too harsh on it, but I really can't find a reason as to why you'd want to watch this anime over many others that have the same-ish premise, minus like all the scenes at the konbini, executed in a better fashion and with deeper characters. Don't kill the messenger, these are just my scrub opinions. So, watch this if you want to fight me on how bad or good you thought it was, but I'd say you're better off finding another one to watch.

Hmm..this made me kinda happy. What if the whole anime was this style?? Omg trippy

*snickers* the best scene though

Eh, it's cute I guess?

He's so selfish, but I guess it comes from his mom remarrying without asking him. But honestly he just liked her because she has different expressions and was kinda interesting anyways so I don't really approve of this relationship??

Focus on school!

This just doesn't do it for me

I mean I guess this is kinda cute out of context if you didn't watch the painfully slow/inconsistent development

The way they panned out in this scene was totally strange and different from the rest of the series. I mean there was a lot of face panning, but this was just weird.


See? If you just thought this you'd come to a similar conclusion as me. It's too bad really that it happened like this.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Anime ATM 62 Kuzu No Honkai

I think the first time I saw this anime was from watching this one girl's YouTube reaction channel. I honestly watched the first 2 minutes and clicked out because reaction videos aren't really my jam, but I thought I'd give the anime itself a shot. PSA this is definitely NSFW. This has some pretty adult themes and psychological issues that need to be worked through which might be a bit different from the genres of the other anime I've reviewed. AKA if you're smol plz don't watch


Honestly the only reason I watched this in one sitting is because in my dorm the floors alternate gender, but last night our RA put on an event inviting guys to our floor and they were all gathered in the lounge. That would've been fine except for the fact that everyone stayed in there for over 5 hours and the lounge is on the way to the bathroom and you know your girl isn't about walking around in front of boys in her robe. No way. So I was trapped in my room, unable to take my shower...for the second day in a row. I want to slam someone through a wall.


So, as I was saying before, this show is definitely marketed towards an older demographic. It revolves around this girl Hanabi and at first she seems pretty normal. She has a crush on this older guy who happens to be her neighbor, family friend, and teacher, Kanai-sensei. And Kanai-sensei unfortunately likes the music teacher Minagawa-sensei who is an actual snake. She has no remorse or empathy for any other person and has her own harem at her disposal just because she can. The BS at the end that she changed for Kanai-sensei is a complete and utter lie because he even said himself that she doesn't have to change her ways, that she could continue cheating on him and he wouldn't mind. And the only reason he liked her in the first place is because she has long hair like his mom. Oedipus complex anyone? And that's not even the most wild part because it's hinted at that he might like Hanabi too because when he and Minagawa went out for drinks, when Minagawa fell he said "Hana-chan" not Akane's name. But when Hanabi confessed he politely turned her down because he's a decent human being, at least compared to Minagawa.

If you thought that that whole thing was a mess, so was Hanabi's relationship with actually everyone. She was so weak. She found self-worth and "happiness" through the validation of other people and when she lacked that and companionship she fell into a downward spiral of depression. Please try and defend her to me. Sure she's just an ordinary high school girl who succumbed to her weaknesses and couldn't find help for her psychological issues, probably stemming from her daddy issues, just kidding that was a total shot in the dark don't kill me, and that led to this whole attention craving thing. That mixed with her lack of relationship experience which led her to believe that whatever was happening between her and Mugi was alright and the fact that Minagawa stole her first love from her all led to a wonderful mental breakdown in which she took advantage of her only friend Ecchan's love for her because she was lonely. She comes to a kind of realization when she is asked for relationship advice by two girls in her class in which it's revealed that she does have a somewhat moral compass and believes in the power of love. But this is negated when she starts going out with one of Minagawa's toy for some sort of self-validation even though Mugi said that they could actually go out. If you can't follow what I'm saying it's because I can't really believe what I've just watched.

Don't get me started on Mugi. Mugi is just a hot mess. He can see through Minagawa's complex spiderweb but still lets himself get trapped in it because she's his first real love. There was that senpai in middle school that stole his adolescence and I think that's what really messed him up. He saw physical contact as the level of intimacy people should be on, not necessarily using words. That's why he took advantage of Noriko, because he thought that all people wanted from him was just his looks and his body (Thank god Noriko woke up from her daydream though).

After 11 episodes or so, Hanabi and Mugi actually have a conversation instead of trying to get into one another's pants. They could've done that from the beginning, but really they were just dumb teenagers who both had psychological trauma and coped with it as best they could. They certainly didn't do it well and both of them have a long way to go, but at least they both know that they were looking for real love the whole time. Honestly the ED was a little misleading because it was about parallel lines, but parallel lines never intersect. It was more along the lines of intersecting lines that meet once, but never again. Or maybe the message here was about how they never did intersect because of their psychological issues.

Overall I think if you can get past the ecchi and how stupid all of them are, it's hypocritical I know because I'm just a bystander, it's a pretty good watch. It's especially fun if you like watching snakes. But the snakes don't improve and they continue being snakes. Everyone's still trying to figure out who they are. There's not really a happy, clean ending. The art was overexposed to the point where it hurt my eyes, so turn down your brightness if you watch it. This won't really make you happy watching because all you're doing is playing audience to someone else's suffering. And the storyline isn't very straightforward. And it's easy to tell that it's a manga adaptation. And their eyes usually look like they're dead, but maybe that was purposeful. I don't know, it was an interesting watch, but also a painful one. I just want to lay this one to rest.
This was such an obvious lie it brings me so much pain because it was such a toxic relationship, but that was the best they could manage? Ugh.

They're so unhealthy, but don't they look so cute? Like the couple where if you didn't know anything about them you'd say they made a good couple?

The awakening of a snake!!!

Ecchan tried her hardest :(

yEAH we could tell you've got a lot of problems

Here's some nice art that deceived me into thinking this would be pure and beautiful *bitter laughter*

Yeah, it turned out to be a mess.