Funnily enough I had already read the entire manga (in less than a week if I remember correctly) a couple years back and it was the first manga I read that actually brought me to tears. I remember feeling a mixture of distraught, relief, pain, and just a bittersweet wistfulness for the same chance to change my life. Not that anything that important or changeable could've happened if a letter from my 10 years older suddenly appeared. Because it took me on such an emotional roller coaster it's been one of my favorites and one of my treasures. That's why I was so hyped for the anime adaptation. And I know that I'm definitely late on the game, but when this came out I was looking for a part time job (at the convenience store lol jk) and working on college applications so sorry that this is actually so behind the hype. Also as an added bonus, an acquaintance of mine really enjoyed the live action adaptation of this, but I'm not one for live adaptations so if you're curious you could go watch it and tell me your thoughts.
The funny thing is is that if I had had a manga review blog before I could've written a long, in-depth analysis that I had before. I had this long revelation in a chat with my friend who has no idea what the heck I'm talking about when I read/watch anything and rant to him about it and it was a really long and passionate rant. But I no longer have that rant, unless I want to scroll through over 10,000 messages looking for it. Oh well, just know that I once had a deep and burning fire in my soul.
One of the problems I often have with books that are turned into movies is that there's certain things that are lost in translation or are overlooked and not put in due to time or budget constraints. Personally I felt that Orange was a perfect example of how anime adaptations should be. It was just how I remembered the manga to be, but enhanced with voices, motion, and color.
From the get-go I was already so invested in Kakeru and Naho. And when I saw Suwa it just reminded me of why I found the manga so sad. But I think the story itself gives a satisfactory solution: parallel worlds. In a way, this is a bit of a sci fi piece, but only just a little bit. They dabble with the idea of black holes and time travel and if the passage of time was something that could be fragmented into an endless list of side-by-side occurring possibilities or if there was only one future and fate that could never be overwritten. I see it as the creator believed in the different parallel worlds more because that lent itself to the possibility and the popular question of "what if?". It was beautiful in it's own way how there were so many flashbacks between the 26 year old group and the 16 year old group. I don't remember that many being in the manga, but if there was then excuse my memory, I'm getting old. If you tried to look at the anime from the point of view of someone watching it for the first time with no context it would seem overwhelming and confusing, but that's fun in it's own way. It gives you time to puzzle through what's happening and the changes that happen in 10 years that makes the two sets of people different.
If I'm being completely honest with you I really enjoyed the compromise that parallel worlds gave. There was a story where Suwa got his happy ending with Naho and another where Kakeru ends up living and making Naho happy. The friendship between everyone is just out of this world. I know that even without the letters they would've been just as close, but a little more naive and careless. And it's their spontaneous and carefree nature that leads to Kakeru permanently ending his life. With the letters it made the original group of five a little bit more self-aware and also a bit more awkward. But ultimately I'd say those letters served their purpose and led to a happily ever after. They were able to be proactive and take charge. You could argue that all this did was change someone else's life, but it's kind of comforting that if in a parallel world something different happened, that a different course was taken. But in all of the cases, there were certain things that stayed the same, like how Kakeru brought the other five together as a call to action, to fight for the happiness of their friend. Sorry, this is probably very convoluted, but I just have to express these thoughts before I lose them. I think I take the Suwa approach; if it's happened in another life no need to replicate it in another, let another person have his shot. It makes me sad because this Suwa's feelings were real and they should be validated, but Kakeru really needed someone to be his pillar of support. Suwa is the best boy (in this anime at least).
If the bond between the six of them wasn't as strong as it was, it wouldn't have made as much of an impact. I think the playful dynamic between all of them solidified the bond and gave you something to root for if you weren't already invested in Naho x Kakeru or Naho x Suwa. Take for example Azusa and Hagita, together the two of them were excellent comic relief, especially Hagita. In the episode they went to the shrine and Naho and Kakeru commented on each others scarves and Hagita chimed in that he was also wearing a scarf or how Kakeru let Naho listen to his music but not Hagita both of which were funny instances and a nice touch. In addition the dynamic between Takako and Azusa in relation to Naho was something of mothers watching their child grow, like when Naho didn't understand that Kakeru wanted to hold hands with her (super cute ugh I love fluff like that) or when they were super happy that Kakeru got his reward for coming in first in the relay :3.
I wanna just add though that the OP and ED aren't great. The OP feels a little bit out of place as if they were trying to do a nice artsy montage, but with the music and the leaf overlays it didn't really vibe with me. And the ED made me a bit sentimental, but it wasn't knock your socks off, blow your brains out kind of good. And if you're shallow and you care about art you might be vaguely bothered by the art style. When I watched the first episode with my friends they said the eyes were creepy, but I think the art style's just grown on me so it looks normal? Haha no one said anime was realistic.
This definitely isn't your regular fluffy slice of life high school anime. It's got drama. It's got love triangles. It's got dry humor, aka Hagita. It's got angst. It's got a bit of sci fi and the butterfly effect sprinkled in. There's a bit of a lot of different things which makes it an excellent watch and equally wonderful read. I would definitely recommend this if you're looking for a different kind of high school anime and perhaps a thought provoking one as well. Also the last episode was really rare and refreshing. First off, the season is 13 episodes long instead of 12 and secondly the thirteenth episode is close to 40 minutes! It's crazy cool, jam packed with drama and feels, and just leaves the sensation of a bittersweet kiss fading from your lips (not that I've actually felt that, but it's like in movies when you see it you kinda know how it feels? Just me? Kay).
Okay this just kept playing throughout one episode and I really don't understand what's happening but it's really funny
Look at him sadly smiling and hiding all his pain. Ugh he tried so hard to keep it in and preserve the happiness his friendship with everyone gave him and then tried to tell his Tokyo friends but they were mean to him and that montage of his troubled mind episode was so painful ugh.
This just made me so angry because he started dating that senpai for her looks and she dated him for his reputation and status and it just left a sour taste in my mouth because of how unhealthy they were and reminded me, and should remind everyone, to date someone because of something else besides their physical features or trying to gain something if you can.
Montage of Takako and Azu being the absolute best friends to Naho and how great of a duo they are
Hagita is such an underrated character. You might go as far to say that he's unnecessary. But he's the reason Kakeru didn't take his bike. He helped to make Kakeru laugh. He's Azu's love interest. He was a part of that super great relay race. He should be more recognized. He even kind of protested against changing anything in case it messed everything up, just in case there wasn't a parallel world and instead just the one which made him seem like the least kind, but as seen in the first picture he cares as deeply for Kakeru as the other four. Plus his 26 year old self is super cute without glasses. >3<
Montage for Suwa because he's so precious. Look at the bottom picture when his beloved Naho thanks him and he's so touched you can see his tears and it shows that real men cry and show their feelings. And the middle one where he's trying to reassure Taka and Azu that he's okay with letting Kakeru have Naho in this reality. And the top one where he wants to hug Naho and confess, but he also prioritizes Kakeru and he's just the most selfless and amazing person.
Romantic isn't it? It makes me really happy that Naho could be happy with Kakeru. *satisfied*
This was really touching. As I head off to college I hope my friends and I still stay as friends and don't grow distant. Wishful thinking, I know *watery smile*
The sports episode was super tense, let's be honest, but it was also super funny because the boys didn't wanna be honest about how kawaii their girls were
Signing off with this one because it's adorable